El Congreso votará si el Gobierno emite deuda para preferentistas19/03/2013 | Europa Press – Europa Press Español
El PSOE propondrá este martes al Pleno del Congreso instar al Gobierno a emitir deuda pública para devolver el dinero a los ahorradores e inversores minoristas que se han visto afectados por una comercialización fraudulenta de participaciones preferentes y deudas subordinadas, incluidos aquéllos que ya han canjeado sus títulos por otro tipo de productos. Así consta en la moción derivada de la interpelación que el diputado andaluz Antonio Hurtado planteó la pasada semana al ministro de Economía, Luis de Guindos, después de que éste anunciara que el arbitraje para los afectados de Bankia se iniciará en los próximos días, incluso antes de constituir la comisión de seguimiento pública que PP y PSOE habían acordado. Los socialistas aseguran que el Gobierno tiene intención de vaciar de contenido dicha comisión, limitando sus funciones a la supervisión de las operaciones y a la remisión al Congreso de informes sobre el proceso, cuando el acuerdo preveía que este órgano determinara el perfil del estafado, para cribar a los potenciales beneficiarios del arbitraje de los inversores que conocían el riesgo de estos productos híbridos. Ante este incumplimiento, el PSOE recomendó a los afectados no aceptar ningún arbitraje de momento, y ahora además propone una serie de medidas al resto de los grupos, que tendrán ocasión de pronunciarse sobre este problema en la sesión plenaria de la próxima semana, donde la moción se someterá a votación. REGULAR LOS CANJES A los afectados por una comercialización abusiva se les deberá aplicar posteriormente una regulación específica de canje, ofreciéndoles el «reintegro directo a través de depósitos con un plazo máximo de tres años o bien, en su caso, acogerse al procedimiento de arbitraje». El |
Congress to vote if the Government issues debt to preferred security holders19/03/2013 | Europa Press – Europa Press English
The Spanish Socialist Workers´ Party (PSOE) is going to propose during the plenary congressional session on Tuesday that the Government should issue sovereign debt in order to reimburse the money for savers and retail investors who have been affected by fraudulent preferential stock and subordinated debt sales, including those that have already swapped their securities of other types of financial products. This is what was included in the motion derived from the challenges made last week by the Andalusian Congressman Antonio Hurtado to the Minister of the Economy, Luis de Guindos, following de Guindos´ announcement that the arbitrage for Bankia clients will begin in the next few days before the public committee that the People´s Party (PP) and PSOE had agreed upon is even set up. The socialists have stated that the Government intends to hollow out the committee, limiting its powers to the supervision of transactions and providing Congress with progress reports, while the agreement said that the committee would determine the profile of those who had been scammed in order to weed out those investors that are set to potentially benefit from the arbitrage who did know the risks of the hybrid products. Because of this broken promise, the PSOE recommended that those who were affected to not accept arbitration at the moment, and now has also proposed a series of steps for the rest of the groups who will be able to plead their case during a plenary session next week when the motion will be put to a vote. REGULATE THE SWAPS For those affected by the abusive scheme, a posterior direct regulated swap should be applied to them, while offering them the “direct reintegration by means of deposits with a maximum maturity of three years or, if deemed necessary, the chance to take the arbitration procedure option. The PSOE has included all the holders of hybrid products coming from financial entities that have received or will receive public debt in the future as potential beneficiaries of this measure, including those who have already swapped their preferred securities for stocks. “The swap transactions of preferential security or subordinated debt holders which are considered “non-eligible” will be financed with public debt”, the motion concluded. |
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![]() «Europa Press» is a trade mark of «Europa Press». Translation for Finanzas para Mortales with the authorization of «Europa Press» |