“The awakening of the dragon”20/11/2013 | Beatriz Montoya del Corte (Alumna UC)
Some years ago, we were looking to our left to know what was happening in the U.S. economy: “if U.S. sneezed, the rest of the world caught a cold”. Nowadays, we have to look to our right, because if China is all right, it´s better for the entire world. It is an economy that has grown unexpectedly. The most important point for the Chinese was to make immediate changes in the administration of the country. The 10 principal changes in China were: 1. Death sentences for convictions of terrible crimes: The elimination of the most dangerous criminals produced fear in the rest of the criminal society. That was immediately reflected in the public security and in the society. In the long term, it is reflected in the culture and in the people´s behavior. 2. Severe punishment for corrupt politicians: Our countries don´t penalize them. This is the reason why this “plague” is getting worse. In China, those guilty of corruption are punished with the death sentence and, of course, with the immediate return of stolen money. 3. Increase investment in education: If a country wants to grow, it must create the best professionals of the world. This is only possible if the State invests more in the future than it invests nowadays in education. If the human factor does not become qualified, it will lose competitiveness in the market because of the lack of preparation. 4. Dramatic reduction of the tax burden and immediate fiscal reform: The State must be an ally, not an enemy, of business. A company´s purpose is to support growth and to ensure the quality of life of the citizens. The fiscal burden in our country is exaggerated, unfair and disorganized. If it doesn´t change, companies will be unable to compete in the international markets, and the internal market will become stagnate. 5. Reduce, at least 80%, the salary and the paid expenses of the professional politicians: Our country has one of the most expensive governments in the world. Politicians must understand that they are public servants like any others, with the obligation of put forth their work and knowledge for the benefit of their country. They aren´t “kings” as they see themselves currently. The Constitution and the law should establish a salary limit compatible with others public servants. 6. Immediately decrease bureaucracy: Nowadays, China is the largest exporter of manufactured goods in the world, surpassing the US. China considers developed countries to be the most bureaucratic in importing and exporting because of all the impediments, obstacles and unnecessary and repetitive requirements they usually ask for. These complicate and drive up the negotiation, stopping or slowing down companies´ development, and it is reflected in the country´s development. 7. Recovery of efficient public investment: Countries with potential for development have suffered a very worrying paralysis in terms of their public investment for the last 50 years. Countries need to invest more in infrastructures, education, culture, and practically in all the areas related to the State. By not doing that, the growth in many countries has been difficult and will continue to be difficult. 8. Strongly invest in the changing people´s culture: People of emerging countries don´t believe in their Government, in their politicians, in their laws, etc. They were accustomed to the governmental disorder and the news of corruption, violence, etc. seemed like something normal for them. Therefore, countries need to invest in the correct cultural education of their own people. 9. Invest immediately in science and technology: In order to compete with developed countries. 10. Reduce the working and criminal responsibility age to 16 years old. In conclusion, China is the country with the greatest economic boom currently. They have a third of the world´s population (more than 1.36 billion in habitants), their GDP grew 7.8% in the third quarter of this year. Their economic growth rate, in the last 30 years, has remained above the 9.5%, a sufficient reason for specialists to estimate that China will be the first economic world-power in 2016, overcoming the US. Nota: Este artículo ha sido elaborado por Beatriz Montoya del Corte, alumna de la Universidad de Cantabria como una de las actividades enmarcadas dentro del programa de capacitación lingüística, dando su permiso para la publicación del mismo en FxM. |