The advertising campaigns in the Spanish touristic sector: Private vs. Public22/01/2014 | Teresa Diez Cano (Alumna UC)
In 2013, in view of the current economic crisis and the implications for all sectors of the economy in Spain, a Council of Ministers meeting took place to create the “Spain, the destiny inside you. It proposed combining the respective advantages of private and public tourist sectors, which actually came at the request of the private sector. On the private sector side, several hostel/catering confederations and transport associations (air and train) are involved. The campaign, which falls within the State’s area of competence, involves local and regional tourism administrations, as well as the Spanish government. The campaign, which aims to ensure summer season tourism, was promoted on social networks offering dinners and hotel nights as the prize of some drawings when you shared the campaign on your own network. It wasn’t a very successful campaign, but the private sector welcomed the initiative. The problem is that when summer season ends, their businesses keep running and they don’t have any more advertising support and, therefore, they must do it by themselves to attract tourism within and beyond our borders. Could businesses survive on tourism only 3 months a year when they have to keep working all year? Could the Government do something else? The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism considers that they can’t keep focusing on tourism although in past decades it has been one of the main economic pillars of Spain, attracting money from abroad. There are other voices too, who may have a say in this if we check carefully. The average family is seeing their economic status severely damaged by the financial crisis. For them, to go on holidays to another country is out of the question. For that reason, all the efforts should be targeted to attract international tourism with greater economic power because their visits are more often distributed throughout the whole year without being so seasonal. Nota: Este artículo ha sido elaborado por Teresa Diez Cano, alumna de la Universidad de Cantabria, como una de las actividades enmarcadas dentro del programa de capacitación lingüística, dando su permiso para la publicación del mismo en FxM. |